Static Cone Penetrometer, 100 kN (10,000 kgf.) Capacity, Engine Driven
The unit facilitates exploration to greater depths with smooth penetration at a fairly constant penetration rate. The machine is driven by 4.8 hp diesel engine, suitable for loading up to 100 kN. and is mounted on a pneumatic tyred towable frame.
The equipment comprises the following :-
- Driving mechanism consisting of an engine driven pumping unit and a hydraulic ram.
- Driving head consisting of hydraulic cylinder and piston.
- One pressure gauge 0 to 160 kg/cm2 capacity.
- One pressure gauge 0 to 600 kg/cm2 capacity.
- Automatic cut-out without pressure gauge 1No.
- Mantle tubes, of uniform dia meter ne meter long 30 Nos.
- Sounding rods, one meter long 30 Nos.
- Sounding cone, without friction jacket, 10 cm2 base area 1 No.
- Sounding cone with friction jacket, 10 cm2 base area 1 No.
- Trusses : 2 No.
- Screw Anchors with 45 cm blade complete 6 Nos.
- Screw Anchors, blade only, 30 cm dia 6 Nos.
- Screw Anchors blade only, 20 cm dia 6 Nos.
- Handle for screw anchors 1 No.
- Tool kit for machine 1 Set.
- Tarpoline cover
- Pressure Gauge 0 to 160 kg/cm2
- One pressure gauge 0 to 600 kg/cm2
- Sounding cone, without friction jacket, 10 cm2 base area
- Sounding cone with friction jacket, 10 cm2 base area
- Sounding rods, one meter long.
- Mantle tubes uniform dia meter one meter long .
- Tarpaulin cover – 1 No.