Digital Consolidation Test Apparatus
Automatic Digital oedometer/consolidation testing
system conforming to IS 2720 Pt (XV)n& BS 1377,
is suitable to conduct incremental consolidation test
and swell tests through standalone touch screen
graphic display and embedded data acquisition system
or computer software. It is totally automatic
system where loading and unloading is controlled
and maintained by rotation of micro stepper motor
or pneumatic actuator eliminating hanging of dead
weight arrangement used in conventional consolidation
apparatus. The system is operated and follows
the user defined stress pattern/ increments given by
the user for loading and unloading pattern without
further intervention by operator and is maintained on
feed back basis by signal received from the load cell.
Unit comprises of :
Loading Frame – 20kN capacity – 1 No.
Consolidation cell 60mm x 20mm ht – 1 No.
Dedicated Computer – 1 No.
Displacement Sensor ±10 x 0.001mm – 1 No.
Load cell capacity 20kN – 1 No.
Control Software is the integral part of the system for
precise controlling & Data Acquisition and reporting
of test results.
Salient Features
• Programmable Stress levels for automatic incremental
consolidation test and swell tests with excess
pore water pressure measurement
• Programmable Sample Parameter and data saving
• Independent Taring of each channel
• Facility to Load and Unload the specimen
• Facility for Inching and release for adjustment of
the gap
• On-line display of readings of Load, Normal stress,
Deformation, Time etc.
• Real time Plots of √t vs. Deformation curves or
Pore pressure for current stress level as well as for
all stress level
• Auto adjustment of graph scales
• Facility to save the data after the test
Analysis Software
• Data Analysis Software that does all the calculations
of Consolidation and Swell tests
• Analysis module that does all the calculations of
Consolidation Test
– Calculates Dry Density, Initial Void Ratio and
moisture Content of specimen.
– Display the following Plots (Graphical)
a) Sq. Root Time vs Deformation Readings and
gives the value of t50/ t90 for various pressure
b) Void Ratio vs Effective Stress (e log p curve) and
also gives the values in the tabular form
c) Stress vs Strain curve for various pressure increments
– Calculates CC, aV, mV, CV, CS and co-efficient
of permeability (k) for various pressure
– Calculate CC and CS for given soil samples
from e-log p curve
– Calculate pre consolidation pressure
from e-log p curve
– Calculate field compression index
Dedicated Computer with Controlling and Data
Acquisition Card.
(Note – Computer with latest configuration will be