Field Shear Box
This apparatus, similar to one developed by Rock one developed by Rock Mechanics Centre, Imperial College, London, is used for practical rock testing either in the field or laboratory
The apparatus consists of a shear box in two parts which can accept samples of max. size 115 x 125 mm or cores upto 102 mm diameter. The lower half is fitted with two rams for reversible shearing action, and the upper fitted with a ram for normal load application. The normal loading unit is complete with low friction hardened rods to maintain constant normal load throughout the duration of the test.
The equipment comprises :-
i) Hydraulic Pumps – 2 Nos.
ii) Pressure Gauges – 2 Nos.
iii) Hose Pipes – 2 Nos.
iv) Dial Gauge 0.01 x 25 mm – 1 No.
v) Perspex sided aluminium mould