Grain Size Distribution Apparatus (Pipette Method)

Grain Size Distribution Apparatus (Pipette Method)

Test is performed as per IS:2720
(Part-IV) The apparatus comprises
i) Pipette stand with moving carriage assembly fitted with
a scale and holder for holding the pipette in position.
ii) Sampling pipette 10 ml capacity fitted with a three way stop cock.
iii) Sedimentation tube, 50mm dia and approximately 350 mm long with mark at 500 ml volume.
HS10.35.1 Sampling Pipette 25 ml capacity
HS10.35.5 Sedimentation Tube 500 ml Capacity
HS10.35.2 Sedimentation Tube1000 ml Capacity
HS10.35.3 Sampling Pipette 10 ml Capacity